10 Behind-The-Scenes Stories That Spoil Classic Movies

4. David Lynch Reanimated Dead Animals For Eraserhead

Director David Lynch is loathe to reveal any information about his films in interviews, preferring that audiences and critics alike take their own interpretations from his nightmare-like movies. His caginess might also be because he's hiding the fact that he's doing really, really gross stuff to dead bodies. He's likely not PETA-approved. Dead animal bodies, mainly. Lynch's feature debut Eraserhead is an art-house movie classic, an eerie fever dream of a movie where Jack Nance's Henry struggles to deal with a bad relationship and a newborn kid in an industrial hellscape. The baby is especially disturbing, a deformed beast with an otherworldly cry to send shivers down your spine. Lynch has never revealed how the baby was made, but according to some sources it wasn't a special effect: the director rigged up a preserved calf foetus to move and twitch as he zapped it with electricity. There was also a deleted scene where he planned to do the same thing with a dead cat, which he put in a tar pit to preserve. That's the bad kind of weird, David!

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/