10 Behind-The-Scenes Stories That Will Change How You View Marvel Studios
6. Problems With 20th Century Fox
After selling the rights to some of their most popular properties, it's amazing that Marvel has made hits out of characters who were once considered B-List (at best). What's more amazing is that they now don't seem to break a sweat over the X-Men; while they have the right to approve on matters such as script, costume and storylines, Marvel has very little creative control or interest in the franchises they no longer hold the movie rights to. That's partly down to Perlmutter, and he has in recent years made it a priority to not help a studio like 20th Century Fox promote movies Marvel gain nothing from. That includes the recent cancellation of the Fantastic Four's comic book series, as well as a notable lack of any merchandise (toys, games, clothing, etc.) featuring the likes of X-Men and Wolverine. Tensions between Marvel and Fox are thought to be at an all-time high, and employees have been told to remove artwork from their offices featuring Fox's Marvel characters.