10 Best & 10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2015

1. Poltergeist

RT Rating: 30% If there's one thing to be said for the Human Centipede franchise, it's that it knows what it is: it's not attempting to win any Oscars, it's not attempting to even be good really, it's just an obscene exercise in outrage and disgust. It exists sort of on a par with the likes of Lake Placid vs Anaconda - in that both don't worry about such trivial things as narrative or talent or titles that make sense. But the Poltergeist remake was a legitimate attempt to remake a film that absolutely didn't need to be remade. The original was a classic among horror fans, with moments that transcended the film to become cultural flashpoints in themselves (the clown under the bed, the TV, the tree) and futilely attempting to outdo them was insanity personified. It would have been forgivable if the film that resulted was even passably good, but even with the mighty talent of Sam Rockwell, it was terrible, a fact amplified enormously by the folly of the entire thing. Which were your favourite and least favourite horror films of 2015? Share them below in the comments thread.
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