10 Best & 10 Worst Movies Of The Decade (Year-By-Year)

2. 2019's Best - Joker

joker movie
Warner Bros

It might not be a pure comic book movie or even show the story of the REAL Joker, but Todd Phillips' controversial, incendiary character portrait following Arthur Fleck's descent into despair and notoriety is a real triumph. It would have to be to be considered better than Avengers: Endgame, after all.

Buoyed by a stunning performance by Joaquin Phoenix, which is layered, complex and terrifying and a story far more nuanced than most expected, that played with the idea of reality and fantasy in a mischievous, clever way. The very fact that people can call it superficial or empty-headed is just beyond logic, but we live on a spectrum of opinions and not everyone can be right.

Read the full review here.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.