10 Best 2021 Films You Probably Haven't Seen

7. Limbo

Till Death Megan Fox

After earning a wealth of buzz on the festival circuit last year, Ben Sharrock's dark dramedy Limbo was quietly released earlier this year to predominantly rave reviews, and rightly so.

A completely singular depiction of the refugee experience, Limbo is centered around a group of asylum seekers who are shipped off to a remote Scottish island while awaiting the results of their asylum applications.

What follows is one of the most disarmingly honest films ever made about the dehumanising asylum process, but also one that happens to be beautifully filmed and, most surprisingly of all, frequently hilarious.

Sharrock's tonally deft script utilises oddball black comedy to underline the absurdity of protagonist Omar's (Amir El-Masry) predicament, interminably tied up in bureaucratic red tape while left to twiddle his thumbs at a locale both beautiful and eerie.

Limbo is a rarest of films likely to have you laughing and wiping away tears without these overlapping moods ever conflicting with one another.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.