10 Best "All Hope Is Lost" Moments In Movie History

3. Beau Accepts His Fate - Beau Is Afraid

Toy Story 3 Woody

Though not nearly as mainstream as the other movies on this list, Ari Aster's delirious horror-comedy Beau Is Afraid concludes with a closing scene which sees Joaquin Phoenix's paranoia-addled protagonist finally giving up all hope and accepting his fate.

Beau's surreal "adventure" concludes with him being put on trial for alleged misdeeds against his mother Mona (Patti LuPone). In short order, his lawyer is killed and Beau, who is trapped on a boat inside a massive water-filled arena, begs his mother to spare him.

But after realising that his mother won't help him and the assembled crowd won't intervene, Beau's demeanour changes - he realises there's nothing that can be done to affect his situation, and so simply stands in place, waiting for the inevitable to happen.

A few seconds later the boat's motor explodes, capsizing the vessel and leaving Beau to drown, moments before the end credits roll. After all, would it really be an Ari Aster movie without an ending that makes you feel like total crap?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.