10 Best "Everything You Know Is A Lie" Moments In Movies

4. It Was Earth All Along - Planet Of The Apes

Fight Club Edward Norton

In Planet of the Apes, astronaut George Taylor (Charlton Heston) crash-lands on an unknown planet several-thousand years in the future, where apes are unexpectedly the dominant species and the remaining humans are largely primitive mutes.

But the film's iconic plot twist sees Taylor eventually reach the planet's shoreline and find the Statue of Liberty, confirming that this apparently alien planet is actually a future Earth, having been decimated by a nuclear war in the past.

As Taylor comes to terms with the fact that humanity destroyed themselves and allowed the apes to rise in their place, he exclaims in despair, "You finally did it, you maniacs, you blew it all up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!"

Even for the standards of this list, that's quite the traumatic news to take in, that humanity's inherent penchant for war and self-destruction led them to ultimately nuke themselves out of existence.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.