10 Best "Everything You Know Is A Lie" Moments In Star Wars

Those Star Wars moments that changed everything... forever!

Star Wars Episode Iii Revenge Of The Sith Order 66

Nothing quite beats that feeling of witnessing a character have their entire world flipped on its head mid-way through a scene.

And over the course of 45 epic years of blasting fans off into the galaxy far, far away, the Star Wars universe in particular hasn't exactly been lacking in the life-altering swerve department.

When executed well, this sort of game-changing revelation can leave audiences completely gobsmacked and add a whole new layer to an already compelling tale being told. However, not every unexpected reveal unleashed into the Skywalker Saga and beyond has resulted in iconic lines being repeated for decades after or left fans picking up pieces of their brains off the floor.

In fact, in some cases, the bold decision to suddenly reveal to a Force-sensitive figure that "everything they knew was a lie" ultimately left some folks actually wishing they hadn't bothered investing in a once-promising storyline in the first place.

So, from glorious family surprises leaving a permanent mark on pop culture, to disappointing revivals tainting an entire trilogy, these are those shocking moments when an unanticipated truth completely changed the galaxy forever.

10. Will The Real Queen Of Naboo Please Stand Up - Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Star Wars Episode Iii Revenge Of The Sith Order 66

This particular Star Wars lie hiding in plain sight was so damn convincing, it also just so happened to fool the actors' own mothers!

That's according to Keira Knightly herself, with the Sabé actor being so convincing as Queen Amidala during the events of The Phantom Menace that both her own and Natalie Portman's mum weren't sure who was who on set.

Well, they clearly weren't the only ones.

The eventual reveal that Sabé was actually the real Queen of Naboo's decoy, with Padmé going undercover as a handmaiden throughout the film in an effort to protect herself from the threat of the Trade Federation, left just about everyone watching on rubbing their eyes out of disbelief.

Both the audience and the likes of Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi are quickly forced come to terms with the fact that they'd actually been in the presence of the real Queen throughout their prior Tatooine adventure.

So, remember those moments when Jinn in particular acted quite recklessly behind who he assumed was the real Queen's back, for example? Well, they take on a whole new level of awkwardness the second it's made clear that he was actually patronising the leader of Naboo herself on the desert planet.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...