10 Best "What's Around The Corner" Horror Movie Moments

9. Hallway Jumpscare - The Exorcist III

corner horror
Morgan Creek Entertainment

William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist III - and more so the salvaged Legion cut, released in 2016 - is potentially the greatest horror sequel ever made. It's not quite the masterpiece that William Friedkin's original film was on account of studio meddling, but Blatty's work is still remarkable - a just-as-chilling follow-up to the original brimming with theological strife and catharsis.

Although it could be argued that The Exorcist III is yet to receive its flowers properly, there is one scene that has gone down in horror infamy for having what could be the greatest jumpscare ever. The scene in question comes at the tail-end of the film's second act, with the once-dead Gemini Killer in the full swing of his homecoming rampage.

Lieutenant Kinderman (George C. Scott in, "Man Getting Hit by Demon") has narrowed down the Gemini's movements to Georgetown Hospital, but has so far proven unable to prevent the bloodshed - including the death of his close friend, Father Dyer (Ed Flanders). He is also unable to save the lives of two members of hospital staff - one a nurse on duty (Tracy Thorne), and the other a doctor (Scott Wilson) compelled to suicide.

It is the former encounter that marks the most shocking moment in The Exorcist III. Blatty puts on a masterclass in suspense for the scene, which lasts for almost five minutes and focuses on a nurse and the nightly hospital routine - the former checking various rooms while security shuffles about.

The camera is rooted to the end of the hallway - with numerous doors and corners hiding the potential for danger. Blatty produces a fake-out scare to disarm, only to follow it up an excruciating minute later with a shot of pale death bursting from a room thought secure.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.