10 Best A24 Horror Films

5. Under The Skin

Hereditary A24

More than any other film on this list, Under the Skin thrives in ambiguity. The film never reveals where Scarlett Johannson’s otherworldly being comes from or why it needs human victims, stranding the audience in the dark as they watch this thing hunt.

Jonathan Glazer’s innovative direction gives this trashy concept of an alien femme fatale luring horny guys to their doom weight and authenticity. He uses hidden cameras to capture genuine interactions between Johannson and random civilians, making the audience feel like they’re on the hunt with the creature.

This technique, combined with Johannson’s committed, improvisational performance, puts us right in the creature’s perspective. She switches from lively and charismatic to cold and inhuman on a dime, but once this thing develops an interest in humanity, she draws out our empathy with little dialogue.

While the film makes excellent use of its fly-on-the-wall realism, the inventive special effects are the true standout. The FX team combines practical effects with CGI, creating disturbing imagery that feels organic and alien. The black pool lair, in particular, is a nightmarish setting, and the climax contains an image so surreal it'll leave your jaw agape.


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