10 Best Alternative Christmas Movies

1. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

What if Father Christmas wasn't the generous, rosy-cheeked fellow the legends made him out to be? What if you met the original elf-wrangler and he turned out to be a thoroughly malevolent piece of work? These questions were well and truly answered in Finland by Rare Exports. The monstrous figure with Claus wound up being not quite what he seemed, but this unique take on the meaning of Chrimbo cemented itself into the psyche of horror fans worldwide.

Something tells me there won't be a second instalment, though such an offering would be preferable to the likes of Jingle All The Way and Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause. Mind you, a JATW 2 could be cool, as long as it featured a grown-up Jake Lloyd, traumatized by the bungling antics of his Austrian father, growing up to become a serial killer dressed as Turbo Man.


I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.