10 Best Animated Film Musical Numbers

Why not be my guest as I explore a whole new world of animated musical numbers?

How do you cure a hangover? How do you cheer yourself up when you€™re stuck inside with only a glum feeling to keep you company on a miserable grey Saturday? How do you get your groove back? Why, watch an animated musical of course! You might scoff at the idea of a grown man sitting down gleefully to watch an animated musical. €œThey€™re for kids!€ you might exclaim and while you€™re half right, you€™re also half wrong. They€™re usually aimed at kids, sure. But who takes kids to the theatre to see them? That€™s right, their parents, who are usually adults. That€™s why the greatest children€™s movies aren€™t children€™s movies at all. They€™re for everyone. They€™re colourful, feel-good and have kids screaming with glee at the sheer silliness, but they€™re laced with meaning, subtext and double-entendre to sate the adults. Hell, the odd one or two animated musicals are aimed entirely at adults and come complete with potty-mouthed humour and crass sexual content. However you feel about the animated musical, the fact remains that you€™ve most definitely been exposed to them over the many years you€™ve been on the earth. And I€™d be willing to bet that you€™ve caught yourself humming some of the ditties within even after you€™ve finished watching the films themselves. Animated musical numbers tend to be some of the catchiest, most memorable musical numbers of all. We remember the joy they brought us as children, or as adults the joy they brought to our own children, and we tend to find that they the right animated musical stakes a special claim on our hearts. So without further ado why not be my guest as I explore a whole new world of animated musical numbers? But be warned, some of the featured entries contain bad language and might not be suitable for children.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.