10 Best Avengers Cosplay Characters Ever

7. The Man Who Punched Out Hitler

The Marvel Universe's super soldier and all round boy scout, Steve Rogers is intended to be an inspirational, motivational figurehead for the World War II fundraising effort, but becomes a legitimate war hero when he takes it upon himself to go behind enemy lines singlehanded to rescue scores of prisoners of war from the Nazis.
Played with straightforward decency by Chris Evans, Cap could easily be a boring, white meat kind of character: but the films wisely choose to play up his superhuman strength and reflexes to ensure that he remains popular with the cinemagoing audience.
As a soldier and a leader of men, Cap is also the epitome of 'team player', hence why he gets to be the field leader of the Avengers, the tactical guru who calls all of their shots. That even Stark and Thor are accustomed to doing as he suggests is high praise indeed for his leadership skills... plus he has that sweet shield to include as a prop with any costume. Captain America is also one of several characters who fans of both genders enjoy cosplaying. Well, a hero's a hero... despite the fact that he's got a giant 'A' on his forehead. Stick Hawkeye next to him and it looks like their masks are laughing at you.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.