10 Best Avengers Cosplay Characters Ever

5. The God Of Thunder, Lightning And Very, Very Frightening

The strongest, bravest member of a strong, brave alien race once worshipped as Gods, and played by tall drink of lemonade Chris Hemsworth, Thor is universally hated the world over for being such an unfairly sexy beast. Or at least he would be, if Idris Elba wasn't hotter than him as giant armoured gatekeeper Heimdall. That's a scientific fact, by the way. We measured it with lasers and set squares. A surprising number of people don't actually hate Thor for being everything they're not, not least because they scrub up alright when dressing up as him. The new rule is: if you can cosplay Thor without trying too hard, then you're pretty much winning at life.
The above Loki and Thor double act is pretty fantastic, as are the costumes involved - that helmet is amazing. Despite Thor's inherrent manliness, there's a pretty good following for female cosplayers of the character, too: well, in the comics Thor was recently customised to be female, Dr. Jane Foster, his long time girlfriend, picking up the hammer to become the goddess of thunder. This one is really nicely done, both outfits retaining a recognisable sensibility while still managing to retain feminine aspects to the cut and style. Kudos for yet another great helmet, and for going for the World War II version of the Captain America uniform, too.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.