10. Morgan Freeman - Lucius Fox

It's a small, but essential role in Nolan's Batman films and Morgan Freeman is simply terrific. Nolan's concept of casting household names in supporting roles (much like Richard Donner did in 1978's 'Superman' with Marlon Brando as Jor-El and Glenn Ford as Pa Kent), is fantastic, as we have forged cinematic relationships with these actors in their previous films - thus we find ourselves respecting them in the same way Bruce Wayne does; they provide us with familiarity and ensure that we are never alienated by the action. Freeman (along with Michael Caine) eases us into the dark violence of Batman's world, providing the humour necessary in raising us from the depressive horrors of Batman's world. Much like 'Q' in the James Bond series, the onscreen comedic chemistry between Christian Bale and Morgan Freeman is a highlight of Nolan's films and will be sorely missed after 'The Dark Knight Rises'.