10 Best Batman Movie Performances

5. Anne Hathaway As Catwoman - The Dark Knight Rises

One word: "Oops." Just like that, Anne Hathaway flipped the switch and became Selina Kyle. Okay, there was an effective shrug of a shoulder, too, but that merely added to the style and attitude fans of the character had been longing for. It was the first, but not last scene Hathaway stole in The Dark Knight Rises. As the film progressed, Hathaway continued to serve as its arguably most entertaining element. Her dive bar dealing made for a classic scene in which she turned male perception of feminine weakness and inferiority against gangsters and cops alike. She was the smartest, most cunning person in the room and she knew it. Hathaway's facial expressions gave depth to Selina Kyle and really sold the character's arc. She smiled at the view over Gotham from the backseat of The Bat when Batman wasn't looking. She wasn't as adaptable as she thought she would be when that "storm" finally came to Gotham. Her thrill of escape from the exiled Gotham was quickly washed away by a heroic sense of duty to save those she'd always claimed she was fighting for. Jonathan Nolan had to convince director Christopher Nolan to include Catwoman in the first place. Anne Hathaway wound up making both brothers look very smart for that inclusion.

Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of ModernMythMedia.com.