10 Best Batmobiles Of All Time

8. Classic Batmobile

Batman White Knight Burton Batmobile
DC Comics

If you've read any of Batman's early adventures from the forties, then it's highly likely that you came across this classic design. It may seem relatively simple by today's standards but it was actually a major upgrade in its day. When the Caped Crusader was first introduced into the comics, he didn't have his own demonic ride, and instead just rode around in a red car. Thankfully, the idea was quickly abandoned and this Batmobile was eventually introduced in 1941, originally drawn by artist Jerry Robinson.

Though it changed up quite a bit during its initial few years, thanks to some modifications by Dick Sprang, all of these slight alterations were instantly recognisable because of the giant Bat-face mounted on the hood of the vehicle. They also possessed a single wing-shaped tailfin that travelled onto the car's roof, contrary to the two tailfins most later designs would possess.

Considering Batman went from a random car to this beauty, he did pretty well for himself. And it's impossible to overlook just how important this classic Batmobile is, as it paved the way for every future iteration of the beloved vehicle that came after it.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.