10 Best Black-And-White Movies From The Last 25 Years

9. A Field In England

This experiment in historical storytelling is like watching a documentary about the English Civil War while tripping on shrooms. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, then...sorry? Despite its missteps (forced, pseudo-ironic dialogue and an overly padded runtime), A Field In England excels in every other way. In fact, it does so in spite of itself at nearly every turn. It crams a whole lot of ingredients into the stew, but rather than turning into a bland mush, this bizarre period movie hits pops all over your tastebuds, ensuring there's a flavor in here that you'll find enjoyable. The plot is overly simple, the costumes are straight out of a middle school play, and the scenery is mostly stagnant. And again, this may sound like negative things, but director Ben Wheatley is able to use them all to drive the psychological recklessness that makes the film so endlessly compelling. The best scenes involve soldiers tripping their balls off on hallucinogens and committing some squirm-inducing acts of violence against each other. So...something for everyone.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.