10 Best Black & White Films Of The 21st Century (So Far)
7. Belfast (2021)

Kenneth Branagh's Belfast is a coming-of-age story about a young boy and his family living in Northern Ireland during The Troubles, a political and nationalistic conflict. The story is told through the perspective of a nine-year-old boy called Buddy. The life he and his family live is full of difficulty, but it also has many sweet and tender moments as well.
Each member of the cast does a remarkable job, and are captivating every second they are on screen. All of the scenes feel extraordinarily personal, making the film that much more powerful. Branagh won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay and rightly so, there isn't a dull moment in the entire movie.
Belfast has a few moments that are shot in color, but only to contrast with the black and white that showcases the history of Buddy and his family. Like many monochromatic films, the visuals highlight the sense of nostalgia that arises when telling historical stories, and it's used to great effect in Belfast.