10 Best Black & White Films Of The 21st Century (So Far)

3. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021)

the lighthouse willem dafoe

This is the first film directed by Joel Coen without having Ethan by his side. He's just as talented working alone as he was with his brother as a partner. The Tragedy of Macbeth is a retelling of Shakespeare's classic work, and it is heavily stylized visually.

Cinematographer Bruno Delbonnel decided to shoot in black and white largely because the coronavirus pandemic prohibited the crew from shooting in their original desired location. Instead, they filmed on a sound stage, so Delbonnel thought monochromatic imagery would prevent audiences from focusing on the set and would instead be drawn to the performances, which are fantastic. Denzel Washington is marvelous as Macbeth, and Frances McDormand is equally great as Lady Macbeth. The remainder of the cast all carry their own weight and add to the film's power.

The Tragedy of Macbeth is one of the more unique retellings of Shakespeare's play, earning it great recognition, including three Academy Award nominations.


Grant Bullert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.