10 Best Booze-Guzzling Movie Characters

8. The Dude (Jeff Bridges) - The Big Lebowski

Jeff Bridges The Big Lebowski
Working Title Pictures

Ah yes, the Dude abides…and imbibes constantly in the Coen Brothers' majestic, California-noir screwball comedy. The white Russian is the Dude’s weapon of choice, though he may refer to them as ‘Caucasians’. He manages to sip on nine of them during the movie (dropping one at the luxurious mansion of Jackie Treehorn)

As the Dude sets about looking for his soiled rug which "really tied the room together", he gets caught up in a nefarious plot which plunges him deeper into the underbelly of California’s misfits. He even manages to find time to squeeze in a few Caucasians and a good bit of bowling too.

The Dude is one of the most quotable of movie characters, saying the word "man" an impressive 147 times, though perhaps his best comeback is when he informs his assailants "Careful man, there’s a beverage here."


David Hynes is a freelance writer, working in print, online, on stage and for screen. A film and book enthusiast, he has just finished his first novel.