10 Best Brain Munching Zombies In Film & TV

9. Bonies - Warm Bodies (2013)

Bonies Warm Bodies There was a real worry amongst Zombie aficionados when Warm Bodies was released that it would do for Zombie flicks what Twilight did for Vampires. In other words people were scared that Warm Bodies would ruin the genre, change the rules and make the whole undead brain eating minions into namby pamby saps that sparkle in the sunlight and eat vegan food. Mercifully this did not happen. Sure the regular Zombies were far from ordinary but at least they maintained the same flesh eating characteristics that we all love but it isn't those Zombies who've made our list. Nope, there's another kind of Zombie in Warm Bodies. One that has lost all humanity (if that's even possible) as well as all of it's skin. It is so far gone that it no longer resembles a human being. These types of Zombie are known as Bonies. You only need to look at the photograph to see exactly why these guys are so terrifying. They're like the Terminator's of the Zombie world - they absolutely will not stop until you are dead and in their rotting bellies. Imagine one of these ugly buggers crawling out from under your bed.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.