10 Best Chase Scenes In Horror Movies

2. The Hedge Maze - The Shining

Best Horror Movie Chases
Warner Bros.

It's hard to think of a paranormal horror with more unnerving images than Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of The Shining. The withered woman in the bathtub. The blood-filled elevator. The twin girls. Hell, even the shot of the word "MONDAY" was startling.

And of course, there's the final showdown. By this point in the story, The Overlook Hotel's dark influence has driven Jack Torrance mad, urging him to butcher his wife, Wendy, and his son, Danny. To evade his deranged father, Danny heads into the hedge maze while a blistering snowstorm rages on.

What makes this sequence effective is how it's viewed from every direction. The shot often focuses on Danny from behind and Jack from in front, to give the impression he's right on the child's tail. Though the camera moves normally while focused on Danny, it swerves erratically while Jack is on-screen. As Jack closes in, the camera moves faster and cuts to his point-of-view, heightening the tension exponentially.

And with that rattling music playing non-stop, this petrifying climax is bound to leave anyone quaking in their boots.

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