10 Best Coming Of Age Movies Of The 21st Century

4. Super 8

Year of Release: 2011Director:JJ Abrams Essentially, Super 8 was Abram€™s homage to his great Spielbergian master. For those that wished to see it, the innocence and nostalgia of the 2011 blockbuster harkened back to the days of E.T., set in a small suburban town that was seemingly cut off from the outside world. A perfect place for a massive hulking alien to hide out whilst repairing its ship. The reason I include it in this list is because of the way it represents childhood. Ironically, JJ Abrams has constructed a name for himself within Hollywood through his bright and action-packed Sci-Fi adventures, yet I personally feel the Sci-Fi falls quite flat in this movie, opposed to the coming-of-age story which signifies the true heart of the film. I like the role of movies in these kids€™ lives; I love how this sub-plot revolves around them creating their own monster movie. It€™s almost a way of JJ wanting to channel his own nostalgic childhood into this movie with an added alien to satisfy his fanbase and to appease those who would inevitably compare the film with Spielberg€™s E.T.
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Appreciates the finer things in life such as The Simpsons, yelling at the football, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, things that aren't True Blood, things that aren't Twilight. Doughnuts.