10 Best Disney Villain Songs

3. "Savages (Part 2)," Pocahontas

In "Savages, (Part 2)," the panic of "Savages, (Part 1)" becomes a frenzy as the Englishmen and Native Americans both prepare for battle at dawn. While the Native Americans lack the manufactured weaponry of the English, their knowledge of the land is far superior, and the battle is likely to be a massacre on both sides. Like "The Mob Song" from Beauty and the Beast, "Savages (Part 2)"is incredibly explicit in the intended violence. With phrases like "we will see them dying in the dust," "now without a warning," and "now we leave them blood and bone and dust," the song is very clear that surrender is not exactly going to be an option in the coming conflict.

The only way in which this terrible battle might be averted depends upon Pocahontas racing to save John Smith and stop the exchange of mutual retaliation. Once again, the villains of the song are subjective. Neither party is particularly admirable, and where it had earlier been easy to condemn the English for their invasion and presumption while cheering for the Native Americans, now Chief Powhatan intends to execute our John Smith (by smashing in his head!) for a crime that he didn't actually commit.

At this point in the film, there's no clear side to support, and we have to hope that Pocahontas will arrive in time to stop both groups from engaging in battle. There are villains everywhere, and Pocahontas has to stop them all.

Most villainous lines: "It's them or us! They're just a bunch of filthy stinking savages! Savages! Evil! Devils! Kill them! Savages, savages, what are we waiting for? Destroy their evil race until there's not a trace left! We will sound the drums of war!"

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Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .