10 Best Documentarians In Found Footage Films

3. Andre And Cal (Zero Day)

Professor Bright FilmsProfessor Bright FilmsThese two may not have telekinetic powers like Andrew, but they are similar in other ways. Two seemingly ordinary teens, it is soon revealed that Andre and Cal are planning a high school massacre. Who needs superhuman skills when you have access to automatic weapons? They document their preparation for Zero Day, from egging a bully€™s house through to acquiring and practicing with the weapons they will use to slaughter their fellow students. What is so frightening about these two is their deliberate similarities to real life Columbine High School murderers Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. Andre and Cal can easily hide their plans from everyone around them. They seem like two fairly average kids, who just like making movies with the home video camera. However, Zero Day is one homemade movie that you can never forget.

Pete is a film and media lecturer and currently writing his PhD thesis on found footage horror movies. He regularly contributes to a range of film and TV related magazines and websites and recently attended the Cannes Film Festival as a senior reporter and reviewer. You can find his personal film blog at www.ilovethatfilm.blogspot.com and his writing for Yahoo at http://uk.contributor.yahoo.com/user/1696242/pete_turner.html Pete is currently writing a book about The Blair Witch Project for Auteur's Devil's Advocate series. He also appears every week on Scott McGerty’s Amazing Radio show and has a weekly slot to talk new releases on local radio station Marlow FM. He has been interviewed on the BBC World Service programme Business Matters and has interviewed many stars including Bryan Cranston and Denzel Washington on premiere red carpets.