10 Best Enemy Team-Up Moments In Movies

8. Bud And Ex Take Out The Henchmen - L.A. Confidential

Pulp Fiction Marsellus Wallace Butch Coolidge
Warner Bros.

Directed by the late great Curtis Hanson, L.A. Confidential is about a group of Hollywood cops as they deal with various crimes in 1950s Tinseltown.

The movie was a huge hit and even scored an Oscar nomination for Best Picture. That is thanks in no small part of the excellent performances of two then-unknown actors - Russell Crowe and Guy Pearce.

Crowe plays Wendell "Bud" White, whilst Pearce portrays Edmund "Shotgun Ed" Exley, two policemen who cannot stand each other. The two even get into a physical fight at one point in the movie, after Exley shows White pictures of him sleeping with Bud's girlfriend.

Their best team-up moment comes when a corrupt cop has them surrounded by a group of his henchmen. Putting their difference to one side, Bud and Ed take down the armed men and manage to take down their former teammate.

Crowe and Pearce have excellent chemistry in this movie and that's what makes White and Exley so compelling to watch.

They're both complicated men who take their frustrations out on the world, but they are equally as devoted to the cause of justice and that is why they could never let petty differences stand in their way.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.