10 Best Fake Sequels To Your Favourite Movies

1. Alien 2: On Earth Beats Neill Blomkamp To The Punch

Movie fanatics went bananas when District 9 and Chappie director Neill Blomkamp posted concept art for a movie he didn't think was going to happen on his Instagram page, which has since been green-lit; a fifth Alien movie that would ostensibly overwrite the third and fourth movies. He was beaten to the retconning sequel punch by a handful of decades, however. Released following the success of the first Alien film, Alien 2: On Earth (originally titled Alien Terror) was yet another Italian rip-off, this time directed by Ciro Ippolito under the Americanised pseudonym Sam Cromwell. Despite opening in such a manner that connects it directly to the first Alien film - a killer extraterrestrial hails a ship to Earth, as the title may have tipped you off to - it quickly abandons any pretence of actually having anything to do with the Ridley Scott original and instead uses copious stock footage of space, has a contemporary setting, and involves a psychic blob playing Peeping Tom to the scores of scantily-clad female stars. ...Okay, so that last bit is about right with the first Alien. But the rest is absolutely the pinnacle of unofficial sequels: a tenuous connection to the original, no budget, and an Italian huckster pretending to be the next James Cameron. Are there any more crazy, low-budget rip-off sequels out there? Let us know down in the comments.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/