10 Best Fan Theories For 2017's Biggest Movies

9. Blade Runner 2049 – Niander Wallace Is A Replicant

Venom Movie
Warner Bros.

While Blade Runner 2049 didn’t give us any definitive answers to that age-old question ‘is Deckard a replicant?’ it did raise a few theories as to the possible replicant identity of another character – the megalomaniac CEO of the Wallace Corporation Niander Wallace.

The first clue we have that could suggest he’s really a replicant are his eyes. We know Wallace is blind but his eyes have an eerie glow to them not too dissimilar to the one seen in the eyes of Roy Batty, Rachel and the replicant owl in the first Blade Runner.

We also learn that replicant resistant leader Freysa had her eye removed so she couldn’t be identified by a serial number. Could Wallace have pulled a similar trick to avoid detection of his true replicant identity? It would explain those milky retinas and scarring under his eyes.

Then there’s the opportunities the 2022 Blackout gave Wallace. With almost all the Tyrell Corporation’s replicant database destroyed, he could possibly hide his true identity while masquerading as the human CEO of a corporation who looks as though he’s ensuring the survival of mankind but is really ensuring the creation of more and more replicants.

Finally, there’s Wallace’s distinctly poetic turn of phrase – another quality he shares with rogue replicant Roy Batty – and the fact he talks of his replicant creations as his children, which suggests he’s a little closer to his product line than the average CEO.

Of course, he could just be a rather weird human but it’s a fun theory to entertain regardless. Unfortunately, as Blade Runner 2049’s poor box office performance is making further sequels seem unlikely it looks like it’s another replicant identity related mystery that’ll go unanswered.


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