10 Best Fictional Planets In Sci-Fi Movies

Abandon Earth, forget Mars and f**k Uranus; these are the ten planets to trump them all.

Ego Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2
Marvel Studios

Since the birth of modern astronomy, humanity has fostered an obsession with space travel, the universe and the endless possibilities of a million and one galaxies.

However, it's not since the birth of modern cinema, and the ever-expanding technological capabilities that computer imaging has brought, that we have been able to explore these fascinations in such rich and immersive detail, creating infinitely improbable worlds to fill our thoughts, dreams and screens.

The imaginations of George Lucas, Christopher Nolan, Luc Besson, David Lynch and more have enticed countless visions of planets far beyond our k. These come in many forms, whether the nightmarish last-resorts of Interstellar, the galaxy of wonders in the ever-expanding Star Wars saga, Superman's home of Krypton or the multi-textured, space-bound journey that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has embarked upon over the last decade.

But which are the best? It is not necessary that they be the most homely, hospitable or even inhabitable, but only that those top-tier planets have something unique, interesting, exciting or unusual to offer to both the casual viewer and dedicated sci-hard alike.

Let us go then, you and I, when the evening is spread out against the sky, like a patient etherised upon a table.

10. Paradise, Alien

Featuring in Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant (2017), Paradise was, at one time, a haven of the best things nature had to offer, with two moons and a serenely, supremely inhabitable environment.

Also known as Planet 4, Paradise was perhaps the home of a city of Engineers, perhaps not; only Ridley Scott (and his upcoming Alien: Paradise) knows for sure. An alternative theory runs that the planet was inhabited by another race created in the Engineers' image, who awaited the return of their gods - something backed by their welcoming of the android David's Juggernaut upon its return above their city.

Either way, the seemingly peaceful inhabitants of Paradise are toast, laid to waste by David, who unleashed a dark plague upon the planet that reaped it of its natural resources, tore apart its ecosystem and brought it to ruin. Now, the planet is overrun with every breed of -morph that David brought to life (Neo-, Praeto-, Ovo-, etc) and, Xenomorph Prime be damned, this looks more like the Xenomorph's origin planet than the Engineers'.


Writer, editor, trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.