10 Best Ghost Story Movies

3. The Sixth Sense

Oculus Ghost
Buena Vista Pictures

It may be hard to believe now, but there was a time when people went into this movie not knowing what the twist was. And you best believe, those who didn't see it coming were truly knocked out of their seats.

Hand in hand with The Blair Witch Project, writer-director M Night Shyamalan's breakthrough film (actually his third feature, but no one remembers the ones that came before it) made 1999 a major critical and commercial renaissance year for horror, the likes of which we didn't see again until 2017 gave us Get Out and It.

As well as launching Shyamalan as more-or-less a genre in his own right, The Sixth Sense also helped usher in a new less-is-more era for horror, returning to the more atmospheric, character-based and suggestive approach of The Innocents, The Haunting et al.

And, of course, it made "I see dead people" one of the most memorable movie lines ever. While Bruce Willis gives a fine performance as the child psychologist 'assigned' to the troubled young Haley Joel Osment, it's Osment himself who completely steals the film, earning a slew of well-deserved awards nods for his trouble.

While it may be one of the few films of its kind not to be centred first and foremost around a supernatural threat, it's still a genuinely creepy film boasting more than a few good scares.

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