10 Best Guilty Pleasure Horror Movies You Probably Missed

9. Piranha 3DD

Thirteen Ghosts
Dimension Films

Admittedly the best thing about this movie is its devilishly witty title, which confirms what everyone was expecting anyway - the sequel to 2010's surprise smash hit Piranha 3D is basically more of the same blood 'n' boobs mayhem that worked last time - again, in 3D.

Though there's certainly a law of diminishing returns here given that neither the gore nor the nudity are as creatively implemented as in Alexandre Aja's predecessor, it is nevertheless a sequel that moves fast and throws everything in its repertoire at the screen for 82 utterly chaotic minutes.

It's got an opening sequence in which Gary Busey is torn apart by a swarm of piranha, David Hasselhoff chewing up the scenery as a howlingly on-the-nose parody of his iconic Baywatch persona, a piranha that interrupts a sex scene in hilariously nauseating fashion, and a deeply disconcerting amount of child death.

Above all else, how can a movie that ends with the piranha learning how to walk on land be all bad?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.