10 Best Harry Potter Villains

8. Fenrir Greyback

Played by: Dave Legeno Another character who received short shrift in the films is Fenrir Greyback, a vicious werewolf and semi-Death Eater (a follower of Voldemort's). In the adaptations, Greyback is largely reduced to a hairy-looking lackey. In the books, however, he is a much more sinister figure. After being infected with lycanthropy, it became Greyback's goal to turn as many people into his kind as possible so that he may raise an army to take over the wizarding world. Just to prove how nasty he is Greyback's favourite hobby is to attack children, and one of these children grew to become one of Harry's mentors, the kindly but haunted Remus Lupin (a guy who's name means wolf ends up becoming a werewolf, what are the odds?). Such an animal is Greyback that he stays in a semi-lupine state all the month round and developed a taste for human flesh even when in human form. What's more, he is responsible for mauling Bill Weasley and killing Lavender Brown in the climactic Battle of Hogwarts. Make no mistake, Fenrir Greyback is a bad, bad dog.

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