6. Black Rain (1989)
Black Rain (1989) is a film noir-esque action thriller, directed by Ridley Scott. Like many other Hollywood films set in Japan, it revolves around Yakuza dealings, and gang warfare. In this particular instance, two major gangs are warring over counterfeit money and their stake of the business. Nick Conklin (Michael Douglas) and Charlie Vincent (Andy Garcia) become involved as they are tasked with sending a Japanese assassin back to Japan. He escapes, as they become involved with the case, and are assigned an accompanying officer in the form of Masahiro Matsumoto (Ken Takakura). The aesthetics of Black Rain bare an incredible resemblance to Ridley Scott's seminal science fiction hit Blade Runner. This is mostly due to the fact Blade Runner's rendition of a futuristic Los Angeles was mostly inspired by Japan, Tokyo in particular. Both films also draw heavily on tropes found in the film/neo-noir genres. The film's fairly brutal, quite characteristic of the 80's. It's main protagonist as played by Michael Douglas is traditionally more of an anti-hero, with his dirty dealings, and aggressive manner. In true culture clashstyle, it takes Masahiro with his strict and regimental values to make a respectable cop out of Nick in the end. Black Rain is a brutal and unconventional story, with some very original concepts.