10 Best Horror Films Of The 2010s (So Far)

6. The Conjuring

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Warner Bros.

James Wan is a name that has become synonymous with horror this decade. Though he got his start with the first Saw film in 2004, it was 2010's Insidious that really elevated his name to something that could be praised. Whereas Saw was amateurish and hungry for attention, Insidious was mature and capable of restraint.

If Insidious was his first step into the world of supernatural horror, then The Conjuring was him learning to run.

It is an incredibly well-crafted, old-school horror film that utilizes the techniques of old to startlingly effect. Few would have thought that something as basic as a haunted house story could be so reinvigorating, but this film proved them all wrong.

It showcased Wan at his most powerful, fully aware of the audience and able to play them like a violin. Sequences like the clapping game are distinctly lo-fi and all the more scary because of it. Working alongside the film's 'true story' claims, they added an element of realism to the proceedings and made it all the more hautning.

In reeling things back in, the film offered a contrast to the overblown excess of most major studio supernatural films of the time. Wan was experienced enough to know that the only thing more horrifying than seeing the Annabelle doll move was not seeing her move, and that level of restraint made all the difference.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.