10 Best Horror Movie Crossovers

4. Puppet Master Vs Demonic Toys (2004)

King Kong Vs Godzilla
Full Moon Entertainment

This crossover of two Full Moon Features franchises was made by another film production company for the Syfy channel, so is not strictly canon for either series. There had been 8 Puppet Master and 2 Demonic Toys films before they met here. It also falls into the ever-growing niche of Christmas horror movie.

For such a low budget film, it has a pretty good star in horror royalty Corey Feldman (Friday 13th / Gremlins / Lost Boys), who gives a very dramatic performance as Robert Toulon, great nephew of Andre Toulon, the protagonist of the Puppet Master series. The film sees Robert working with his daughter Alex to repair and reanimate four of the puppets from the franchise by re-creating his great uncle’s serum (seriously why are so many of these films about people trying to steal magic serums?)

Where Toulon has a good relationship with his obedient puppets, the Demonic Toys were created when a toymaker sold his soul to the demon Bael in exchange for sentient toys for his spoiled daughter Erica. Now in charge of the Toy Factory, Erica is tired of her disobedient toys and spies on Robert and Alex to try and steal his serum to control them better.

When a bodged attempt to steal the puppets and serum ends with the lab being burnt to the ground, she decides to summon the same demon as her father did instead. Her plan then ramps up in evilness as she and the demon plan to sacrifice Alex and curse on all the toys in Erica’s factory to come to life and kill their new child owners on Christmas day.

The puppets have the final victory following their cyborg upgrade given to them by Toulon when repairing them after the fire. Erica is dragged off to Hell with Bael and the final scene is Oopsie Daisy popping up from the fiery pit growling to the camera "Merry Christmas my ass, and a crappy New Year!"


Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat