10 Best Horror Movie Kills Of 2024
2. Aurora - In A Violent Nature

It's a testament to our #1 pick that In a Violent Nature's utterly insane Yoga Girl Pretzel kill from In a Violent Nature didn't take top honours.
In the middle of Chris Nash's artsy slasher, Aurora (Charlotte Creaghan) has her cliffside yoga sesh interrupted by masked killer Johnny (Ry Barrett) - and it sure isn't a swift interruption, that's for sure.
Rather, Johnny uses his hook to disembowel Aurora from behind, after which he contorts her head through that hole, and then kicks her off the edge of the cliff, as if to ensure the job was finished.
Few death scenes in recent years have produced quite such a shocked response from audiences, in large part because the cartoonish-yet-squirm-inducing level of brutality comes totally out of nowhere in a movie that's been quite restrained up to this point.
Nash is going to need all the luck in the world to top this kill in the recently announced In a Violent Nature sequel.