10 Best Horror Movie Misdirections Ever

7. Daniel Gets Killed By His Own Dog - Suspiria

Trick R Treat
Produzioni Atlas Consorziate

Dario Argento quite expertly trolls the audience in the middle of his giallo masterpiece Suspiria, when the focal dance school's blind pianist, Daniel (Flavio Bucci), is fired after his guide dog bites Madame Blanc's (Joan Bennett) nephew.

A lengthy sequence then unfolds as Daniel walks through an abandoned plaza, Argento staging the scene in such a way that the audience fully expects Daniel to be killed by a cloaked killer.

It seems obvious that Daniel is being watched, apparently confirmed by his dog suddenly freaking out, but just then, the dog suddenly leaps up and mauls Daniel, ripping his throat out.

We expected Daniel to die, but not like this, with the implication being that an evil force possessed the dog to attack its owner. With that in mind, it also forces the viewer to reconsider the dog attacking Blanc's nephew earlier on.

Given that the nephew is associated with the coven of witches, perhaps the dog bit him because it sensed he was part of something nefarious.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.