10 Best Horror Movie Performances Nobody Talks About

5. Megan Fox As Emma - Till Death

Megan Fox Till Death
Screen Media Films

Megan Fox deserved so much better and has done for years. It’s therefore wonderful to see her take on roles that allow her to show off her talent and stand as an actor in her own right. We all know she absolutely killed it in Jennifer’s Body, but the more recent Till Death shows she’s still got skin in the horror game.

Playing Emma, a woman trapped in an unhappy marriage, Fox turns what could easily have been another final girl into a ferocious and complex heroine. The home invasion plot is simple enough, but Emma isn’t a cookie-cutter damsel in distress. She’s resourceful and bloody brutal when she fights back against her attackers. She’s a woman pushed to the absolute edge by various sh*tty men, and the audience cheers her on as she manages to survive all of them.

It isn’t a simple ‘good for her, what a girlboss’ film, as Fox’s performance clearly demonstrates how harrowing the experience is and the toll it takes on her. It’s a victory at the end, sure, but the viewer is just as exhausted as the protagonist at the end due to how Fox is able to make her character empathetic. If you’re after a good slasher movie with a well-realised heroine, then Megan Fox has got you in this film.


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