10 Best Horror Movie Prequels
2. Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom
The Indiana Jones franchise is clearly one that's every inch an action-adventure series, but 1984's Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is very much a movie steeped in horror.
Dripping in so many of the elements that made EC Comics so special, Temple of Doom is visually framed like a horror picture in terms of its lighting or lack thereof. Throw in cults, sacrifices, hearts ripped out, chambers full of creepy-crawlies, the ominous presence of Mola Ram, and Steven Spielberg's '84 effort absolutely ticks so many of the relevant boxes to classify it as a horror offering.
Each and every Indiana Jones picture has at least one or two scenes that drum up the dread, yet none of the other three have anywhere close to as many such moments as Temple of Doom.
Those other flicks feel like adventure movies with an occasional sequence of horror, whilst Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom feels very much like a horror movie that finds itself in an action movie landscape.
This prequel outing for Harrison Ford's Dr. Henry Walton Jones, Jr. absolutely deserves a spot here on this list.