10 Best Horror Movie Shower Scenes

7. It

Ghoulies III: Ghoulies Go To College

Much like Arachnophobia makes those with a fear of spiders forever scared of their own showers and bathtubs, the 1990 two-part adaptation of It mixes showers with another big-time fear of many - that fear, of course, being clowns.

The fear of clowns is formally known as coulrophobia, with an alarming number of people getting spooked by anything even mildly resembling the stereotypical presentation of a circus clown. Perfectly playing on that, Stephen King's It and the subsequent adaptations are the stuff of nightmares for so many people.

Where the shower comes into all of this, it's young Eddie Kaspbrak (played by Adam Faraizl) as the poor soul who finds himself in the crosshairs of the devilish Pennywise.

After his mother bans him from taking a shower in school, his gruff PE teacher berates Eddie to hit the showers - and it's there that things take a twisted turn, with all of the shower heads turning on and then spouting out water while the bamboozled Kaspbrak looks on.

This alone would've made Eddie's shower time traumatic enough, but then ol' Pennywise emerges from the plughole to tease the youngster with chilling suggestions of what's to come for him and his Losers Club pals.

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