10 Best Horror Movie Villain Designs

5. Romero Zombies - George A. Romero Zombie Movies

Pinhead Hellraiser
The Walter Reade Organization

The mindless undead have always been portrayed on film before the 1968 Night of The Living Dead, but they were usually portrayed as a supernatural evil of an ancient world, like The Mummy or Frankenstein. The simple change that George A. Romero made was to make your loved one rot in front of you, as you feel the pain of knowing the part of them that makes them them is gone.

The Romero zombies are so iconic, they have become a genre in themselves. Whenever we see a zombie on screen, we have George Romero to thank for their look and feel in some way.

The idea of a mindless undead is so simple, but its design is so malleable. Over the years, there have been no limits to what kind of imaginatively gory they look. After all, people can die in any limitless way, with their bodies rotting in accordance with their environment. If artists want to be creative, there is nothing stopping them from making a ghoul the most hideous and gooey possible. Either way, their bodies always tell a story.


Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left. https://www.instagram.com/headrushreviews/?hl=en. https://www.facebook.com/headrushreviews