10 Best Horror Movie Villain Designs

3. The Predator - The Predator Franchise

Pinhead Hellraiser

The original Predator movie was all about making 1980s action heroes like Arnold Schwarzenegger feel small. So, the Yautja is a dark mirror of our merry band of brawny men, but bigger and better. If they are mercenaries from another country, the Predator is a mercenary from another world. If the mercenaries have the best weapons around, then the Predator’s weapons are more than that.

When you look at the Predator, you know this is a warrior both ancient and futuristic. Its helmet looks like a tribal mask, its primary weapon is a blade, it wears nothing aside from what is essential for battle, and it decorates itself with skull trophies. Just by a glimpse, this is a battle-hardened solider that lives to kill.

The weapons the Pred has are out of human grasp, but they don’t look impossible either. They are just advanced versions of our military-grade equipment — good tools for killing, but never a cheat code. This creature has dirt and grime on its armor and skin, so you know this thing works hard for its kills, just like any other soldier patiently holding his own in the jungle.

It’s unbelievable how well-designed the helmet is that the ugly face underneath it is just as much of a masterpiece. What a wonderful contrast to make it look so calm and collected with the helmet on, only to reveal underneath an aggressive blood-thirsty face with mandibles that cannot wait to grab.


Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left. https://www.instagram.com/headrushreviews/?hl=en. https://www.facebook.com/headrushreviews