10 Best Horror Movies Of 2019 (So Far)

6. Hagazussa: A Heathen's Curse

Hagazussa 2019
Forgotten Film Entertainment

Hagazussa: A Heathen's Curse is another horror debut, this time from writer/director Lukas Feigelfeld, which was initially released in 2017, but would only have been seen by wider audiences thanks to this year's release by Bloody Disgusting and Doppelgänger. Even then the term "wider" is probably a little over-zealous.

The film is essentially Germany's answer to The Witch, set in the 15th Century but with way, way weirder inclinations and it's definitely one for less conventional horror fans. If you're expecting Saw, you're going to leave sore. This is not child's play. It's something more linked to the personal experience of psychosis and unravels a very claustrophobic nightmare.

It's beautifully shot and repugnant at the same time and the best indication of whether you'll like it is how you react to the idea that it's basically Darren Aronofsky's Mother! on acid. Lots and lots of acid.

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