10 Best Horror Movies Set In Medieval Times

8. The Tower Of London (1962)

Dracula Untold
Wikipedia/Silverwhistle, Richard III Society Website

Interestingly, this is the second historical film about Richard III called 'The Tower of London' to star Vincent Price. The first one was in 1939, where Price played the Duke of Clarence, alongside horror legend Boris Karlof. Twenty-three years later, Price would return to the story but this time play the lead role as Richard, the Duke of Gloucester, and this film would take on a much more Macbeth-like approach. And more of a horrible one.

While many of us know the story of Richard, this retelling has him murder the Duke of Clarence in cold blood, then torture the Queen's lady-in-waiting so that she will rumour to the court that King Edward's children are illegitimate. Her stubborn refusal ends badly for her. After King Edward's death, Richard is appointed Protector of Edward's children, whom he then imprisons. Ghosts and madness beckon him ever onwards towards Bosworth.

This is another project that combines his acting talents with that of beloved director Roger Corman. Interestingly, Francis Ford Coppola worked on the film as a dialogue director, while Roger Corman and producer Edward Small almost came to blows about the film being changed from a colour production to black and white at the last moment. Small thought it best to hoodwink the audience into seeing a Vincent Price film since they would assume it was in colour given his star status.

A brutal adaptation of several works of Shakespeare, this film is still ranked as one of Price's horror classics, bringing a more gore-drenched look at a pivotal time in English history. Price said that he looked back fondly upon it too.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'