10 Best Horror Movies Set In Medieval Times

3. Witchfinder General

Dracula Untold
American International Pictures

Returning to the villainy of the undeniable Vincent Price, Witchfinder General originally received heavy censorship when it was released in the UK in 1968. Several prominent film critics at the time blasted it as disgustingly violent and horrific to behold, all of which helped the film to secure its cult status. Vincent Price looked back on this film as a challenging one to make, but as easily his finest performance.

During the English Civil War, an opportunistic sadist called Matthew Hopkins (Price) takes advantage of the chaos and starts to burn out women that he accuses of being witches, extorting the local towns for his 'services'. Hopkins and his assistant Stearne then set about the small village of Brandestone, torturing the local priest and abusing his niece, Sara. Sara is due to be married, however.

Her husband-to-be, Richard Marshall, returns from the war to find what has been done to his intended bride and her uncle as well as other women in the village. Marhsall swears revenge on Hopkins and begins to hunt him down.

This was also known to be a troubled production which saw many clashes between veteran actor Vincent Price and the director, Matthew Reeves. While the story was loosely based on true events, the grotesque horror of it is its own creation and grandeur, and it's still regarded as a horror classic to this day.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'