10 Best Horror Movies To Watch Alone

1. The Innkeepers

Innkeepers Movie
Magnet Releasing

The Innkeepers is a Goldilocks of a horror film. It's scary, but not too scary. Tense, but not too tense. Grim, but not too grim. You get the picture. Director Ti West of the previously mentioned The House of The Devil creates an unnerving ghost story that hits all the correct spots, just enough to make sleep come a bit harder without overstaying its welcome.

Two employees with a love for the supernatural working at a soon-to-be closing haunted hotel decide to use their last few days to try and make contact with the spirits inhabiting the building. They do, and it gives a new meaning to be careful what you wish for.

The movie isn't attempting to re-invent the wheel, but it doesn't need to. It has the basic goal of trying to make the viewer want to flip on the light switch but resisting the urge because it'd ruin the atmosphere. That straightforward, modest intention is what makes it work so well. Going back to the Goldilocks comparison, The Innkeepers feels just right for any lonely night.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.