10 Best 'I'm Dead And I Know It' Moments In Sci-Fi Horror Movies

4. Frank - 28 Days Later

Predator Billy
20th Century Fox

Oh, poor Frank. 28 Days Later's kindly cab driver Frank (Brendan Gleeson) offers some swift assistance to protagonists Jim (Cillian Murphy) and Selena (Naomie Harris), though it isn't long before he ends up succumbing to an horrific fate.

As the group ponders their next steps, Frank tries to shoo away a crow, only for a drop of blood from an infected corpse nearby to land in his eye, immediately infecting him with the Rage virus.

Frank knows immediately what this means, that his remaining living moments are numbered and he's a danger to Jim, Selena, and most importantly his young daughter Hannah (Megan Burns).

And so, Frank spends his final seconds telling Hannah that he loves her, before insisting that she keep away from him. 

As Hannah approaches him, unaware of the situation, he angrily shoves her away for her own good, just as the infection takes hold and he's shot dead by nearby soldiers.

It's a devastating, tragic fate, but in the very least Frank did everything he could to ensure he wasn't a danger to his daughter in what little time he had left.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.