10 Best MCU Deleted Concept Art Scenes They Never Filmed

5. Tony Stark Unleashes A Bullet - Iron Man 3

Strange Mysterio
Marvel Studios

In a film which feels as though it throws just about every single Tony Stark iron idea at the wall and sees which supersuits will stick, it may come as a surprise to hear that there was actually a rather stunning design which didn't actually make the grade for Iron Man 3 and its eventual climactic Extremis punch-up.

The suit in question, designed and illustrated by artist Josh Nizzi, would've been known as the Bullet Armour. No surprises for guessing what its primary purpose was then. But even so, the look itself is about as eye-catching as anything we've seen tumble out of Stark's mind in the MCU to date, and seeing that collide with whatever being the Avenger had his sights on would've led to winces just through the thought of it getting wrecked alone.

Iron Man was undoubtedly very busy during his time off from Avenging in the lead-up to this third solo outing, but it's still a damn shame the Iron Legion didn't possess a bullet-shaped exclamation point to sign off Robert Downey Jr's trilogy.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...