10 Best Medieval War Movies

4. Macbeth (2015)

Outlaw King Chris Pine

An adaptation of Shakespeare’s play of the same name, Justin Kruzel’s interpretation of Macbeth is one that fully utilises the power of cinema to transpose the play from stage to screen.

With cinematography steeped in fiery reds and haunting shades of yellow and green combined with stylised editing and slow-motion sequences, Kruzel amplifies the atmosphere of this fictionalised version of medieval Scotland to astronomical effect.

If you’re unfamiliar with the premise of this famous tale, the film follows the titular soldier (Michael Fassbender) who’s told by three witches that he will one day become king. Consumed by a lust for power and coaxed by his wife (Marion Cotillard), he murders the king (David Thewlis) in his sleep. Fulfilling the prophecy but traumatised by his actions, civil war erupts around him as he tries to hold on to his power.

Praised for its powerful performances and earning a nomination for the prestigious Palme D’or at its Cannes premiere, this film is more than enough to make up for the Assassin’s Creed film, a project which also involved Kruzel, Fassbender, and Cotillard.

Although the Shakespearian dialogue may dissuade some viewers, the Scottish Play has never looked so good.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.